Focus is firmly on online play. Pick a server that sounds fun from the server browser, hop in, stay and play there for as long as you like with the same people. Online, you will find many variations of the core gameplay principle. There are other objectives than mere survival. In Fortress Mode, two teams face each other. Each team owns a Fortress Zone and needs to defend it while trying to conquer the enemy team's Fortress. In Sumo Mode, everyone needs to stay inside a shrinking circle to stay alive.
The game supports custom maps (sadly without an editor) and just about every gameplay variable can be tweaked to your, or more likely, the server owner's heart's content. Speed, map size, trail length and timeouts are just the start. Even the rigid right angle turn rule can be bent!
Different versions are available for installation. The suffix-less version (armagetronad-*-32/ is the regular release version we generally recommend.
The -experimental versions are builds containing unfinished features. They should be usable, but far from flawless.
The -alpha, -beta and -rc versions are tests for upcoming release versions. -alpha builds come from the current development branch and contain our newest features and bugs. -beta builds are from stabilisation branches where we stop adding features and concentrate on eliminating bugs. Lastly, -rc builds are release candidates for final stabilisation. Install them if you want to help with testing.
- Offline singleplayer against bots
- Splitscreen multiplayer for up to four players
- Online multiplayer for at least 16 players per server, servers can provide more slots
- Four builtin game modes: Last Man Standing, Last Team Standing, Fortress and Sumo
- Modded servers online also provide Racing, Capture the Flag and Mazes. And there is this one strange server with Rogue-ish RPG elements.
- Customizable keyboard layout
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