"Starlit Droplet" is a puzzle adventure developed on RPG Maker VX Ace in the span of three months. It s a G-rated game, accessible to everyone.
The game features a star named Seirios who is on a task to free their significant other, the moon Luneth. The path, however, isn't free from obstacles...
GAMEPLAYIn order to progress through the game, the player has to solve four different puzzles. Each room contains one that can be completed regardless of its order, minus for the fourth one, which will be open once all available puzzles are cleared.
Saving is automatically done each time the player enters a map.
The game is estimated to be up to 1 hour long, depending on how fast you complete puzzles and how fast you are. There's only one ending.
Stuck in the game? You can read how to solve the puzzles here!
CREDITSGraphics, Story and Eventing - Rukomura
Music&SFX - Hibarist/Bruno Buglisi
More details in the Read Me file!
CONTACTShould you want to contact me for bug reports or inquiries, you can find me at the following sites:
Twitter: Rukomura
E-mail: Fran9696
gmail.com ( > @)
http://rukomura-games.tumblr.com/SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI!
http://ko-fi.com/RukomuraAll my games and creative works are free and accessible to everyone and will always be. If you like what I make, I'd appreciate if you have a few bucks to donate!
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