Play to Jelly Boy 3D

Jelly Boy 3D

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PEGI Over 250 downloads
Jelly Boy 3D
A game I made based on the old 2D SNES Game but I turned it into 3D. Now I see the reason why it was never in 3D. Collect the missing pieces and avoid being eaten, get all the pieces and unlock the portal to escape.
Jazyk: English
Jelly Boy 3D
Jelly Boy 3D
Jelly Boy 3D
Komentářů 7
Nápověda Formátování Nápověda Formátování 380
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Mosul (Level 8) 2018-06-26
It's not your best game. But it's good
SwordMan (Level 8) 2016-11-27
nice, but improve the stages.. !
Crazy Player GM (Level 8) 2016-11-21
good work
MozRegit (Level 9) 2016-11-16
complete... ? It looks like an alpha ?
xMaurx (Level 9) 2016-11-14
nice game !
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