Video Sol705 Video


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Sol705 is a point and click adventure in the classic fashion of LucasArt games.
Full english voiced with english, french, spanish, russian and german subtitles!
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Komentářů 10
Nápověda Formátování Nápověda Formátování 380
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mazzutakgame (Level 15) 2018-05-18
Fantastic adventure, take me back to my childhood and play with graphic adventures ;-), very professional job and awesome java use, congratulation i support your project ;-)
lucyinthespace (Level 15) 2018-02-10
oh, congratulations guys. i love this kind of adventure game
Luis (Level 17) 2018-01-22
Awesome game! Great sounds+music and graphics. The controls feel good and the plot is good. The game is really polished too. Well done! :)
ronnye (Level 15) 2018-01-11
COngratulation to be in the popular games! Even if I don't like so much the adventure games XD. Watching the screenshots i'm noting one thing. the background style is always totally different from the characters style. It's not good.
thomaei (Level 3) 2018-01-09
I like it
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