Video Vibrant Venture Video

Vibrant Venture

719 Hráči -
pc Stáhnout
Vibrant_Venture_-_DEMO_3.1.3_(64-bit).zip (38,1 MB)
pc Stáhnout
Vibrant_Venture_-_DEMO_3.1.3_(32-bit).zip (34,5 MB)
osx Stáhnout
Vibrant_Venture_-_DEMO_3.1.3_(Mac_OS_X).zip (37,4 MB)
Published on: 2020/03/14



Support the game on Kickstarter:
Jazyk: English
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Vibrant Venture
Vibrant Venture
Vibrant Venture
Komentářů 20
Nápověda Formátování Nápověda Formátování 380
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Gale (Level 5) 2021-09-03
interesting platform. It will be perfect as a switch game. very easy to play, fast, good dialogues (very short and this is good for a game like this) and perfect palette for the colors. I like the switch feature and how it is so important to use. Great game
Domiz (Level 5) 2021-06-17
very easy and fast yo play. great animation and perfect pixel art. I already see this idea in other games, but you developed it very well. I love the "cutscenes"!
Loscar (Level 8) 2020-10-23
I played it a lot of time ago. Are you updating it? or will you share only the full version on steam?
Kaen999 Ověřeno (Level 19) 2020-08-08
I hope to play the complete game =)
flykidsblue1 (Level 10) 2020-08-03
Very fluid controls! One of the best features that a platformer can have! Really recommend!
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