Spiele Ancient Hunt

Ancient Hunt

608 Spieler -
AncientHunt.zip (58,2 MB)
Veröffentlicht: 30/08/2016

Browser Game


Move left and right with A and D
Jump with space
Aim with the mouse
Hold mouse button for more power
Switch weapons with 1 and 2
Kill as many wolfs as you can and die
Borislav "Bosak" Kosharov
Berk "SAS41" Alyamach
Daniel "DarkFluid" Angelov
Sprache: English
Ancient Hunt
Ancient Hunt
Kommentare 2
Formatierungshilfe Formatierungshilfe 380
Wird Geladen...
Wird Geladen...
Deneris (Stufe 17) 2020-01-26
Penso che la versione html5 non funzioni più
Staff Bestätigt (Stufe 16) 2016-08-30
Please, add a direct link to download the game. You can add the link to the Ludum Dare page in the Website area ;)
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