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346 Spieler -

Cosmic Blimp

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BioState.zip (18,6 MB)
PEGI Über 250 Downloads
Veröffentlicht: 27/04/2018

Shoot em Up


#Oldschool #Bullethell Space Shooter
Sprache: English
Anfechtung  Anfechtung:  Earth's Final Stand 
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Freank Bestätigt (Stufe 18) 2018-05-01
Second place in the Leaderboard! So, my tips: yes. I agree with the previous comments, add sounds and music. Add also extra life, or other weapons dropped by the enimies. It can be very funny!
kalindor (Stufe 13) 2018-05-01
add sound effects
Popsan Angel (Stufe 13) 2018-04-27
nice. I like this retro style. But add also extra life, different weapons and a good sountrack in 8bit
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