Spiele Birkanoid CG Spielen Spielen </> Einbetten

Birkanoid CG

63 Spieler -
Veröffentlicht: 23/04/2018

Browser Game


the breakout card game #LDJAM41
Sprache: English
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Birkanoid CG
Birkanoid CG
Birkanoid CG
Birkanoid CG
Kommentare 7
Formatierungshilfe Formatierungshilfe 380
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Wird Geladen...
Gaarco (Stufe 6) 2019-11-04
A bit too difficult to control the balls, it causes level to last too much, it's a good idea though!
DANILO MUMMOLO (Stufe 11) 2019-07-27
Best IndieGames (Stufe 19) 2018-05-06
This game is in the video about the Top 4 Best Indie Games of April 2018

YouTube Gameplay
Amir (Stufe 15) 2018-04-23
Comment Image
It's my Level 3
ronnye (Stufe 16) 2018-04-23
Great work. made during the jam... really?! Did you make this in only few hours?! I need a lot of time to make a game like this. Incredible skilled people.
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