I think that it is the first of your games that I play online. Not the best. I don't like this kind of style. probably it is made for a jam in few time. but i think that is good. i want for the next
not your best game, but good. It looks like a game made in very few time. the good part is that I can play it online. Is it possible to play also your other games online?
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small game. very short. the pixel art is not the best in this game. it looks like an ASCII game that meets a MSDOS game.
Was you inspired by FAITH The Unholy Trinity?
I think that it is the first of your games that I play online. Not the best. I don't like this kind of style. probably it is made for a jam in few time. but i think that is good. i want for the next
not your best game, but good. It looks like a game made in very few time. the good part is that I can play it online. Is it possible to play also your other games online?
interesting cut scenes. the gameplay is not the best part. it is good but not so cool as Quando Fuori Piove