Video Heralds of the Order Video

Heralds of the Order

553 Spieler -
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Heralds of The Order is а turn-based strategy game boiled down the genre’s core principles. Utilize positioning and abilities with elaborate patterns to achieve victory! Featuring hand drawn art and over 20 story hand crafted missions.

Sprache: English
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Heralds of the Order
Heralds of the Order
Heralds of the Order
Heralds of the Order
Heralds of the Order
Heralds of the Order
Kommentare 11
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Kaen999 Bestätigt (Stufe 20)

When you gonna launch the complete game?

Gesan (Stufe 13)

few classes to use. I hope that with the next update you will add new elements

Multiverse (Stufe 6)

is there a linux version?

RockMith (Stufe 10)

very slow, but the idea is very nice and I like the places used

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