Mark in DeDark is an adventure game where you are lost in a dark labyrinth and you have to find your way out. You have only a fire torch and some candles to light the road, full of monsters that try to kill you. You have a limited number of candles per level, but you can increase it by finding the special object in every map.
it's a very cool game for windows phone ! Thanks !
great game ! finally a nice game for window phones !
Nice ! Fantastic atmosphere and effects ! I'm downloading it !!
The idea of the labyrinth is to find an exit, alone in the dark. Thus, to open the door of the exit you have to find a key, present in every level. The exit itself is trapdoor where you fall into to finish the level, as an allegory of the fact that nothing, except for life (with death), finishes. When you escape from a labyrinth, there is another one, and so on...