Spiele Mega Sea Urchin

Mega Sea Urchin

327 Spieler -


Windows phone Herunterladen
MegaSee.rar (107 MB)
PEGI Über 250 Downloads
Veröffentlicht: 05/06/2016



The story tells us of sea-urchin who came up ashore after global cataclysm and fighting for a place under the sun in the new world.
He's just adapting to the new environment that is unfriendly for him so far.
Sprache: English
Mega Sea Urchin
Mega Sea Urchin
Mega Sea Urchin
Kommentare 8
Formatierungshilfe Formatierungshilfe 380
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Wird Geladen...
Jonathan_Fish (Stufe 16) 2016-08-14
Fix the game design. There are so many bugs... And they make the game impossible to play ... :(
Cynac (Stufe 8) 2016-06-20
too hard... improve also the ux...
fats (Stufe 13) 2016-06-12
it's too hard ! i can't go on. I'm blocked in the first part... when i jump i hit the spikes on the top... it's impossibile in the first 10 seconds. Bad.
TheController (Stufe 9) 2016-06-08
a nice platform ! the use of the colors is fantastic !
ForeverGamer (Stufe 5) 2016-06-07
very very nice !
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