Step through the 4th Wall…
…into the world of NUMINA. You get in contact with Shawn who is able to hear your voice through the 4th wall! You meet in a very critical moment where Shawn loses someone very close to him while being swept up in a conspiracy that involves your mutual bond. A plot threatening to shake the foundations of the world.
Your bond will be tested in an exciting adventure that fuses many classic RPG aspects: A character-driven story in which your relationships change the course of the story, a dynamic battle system, challenging puzzles, towns waiting to be explored and other exciting locations!
✨ Part 1 will release on July 1st! ✨
Play the free demo NOW! (see the Download section below)
Key Features
Breaking the 4th Wall
The 4th wall is a concept from theater where the actors on stage directly interact with the audience. In the same fashion, you partake in the story of Numina as a character in the form of a bodiless voice that only Shawn can hear - a guardian spirit. You can interact with Shawn and influence his decisions through dialogue choices in the game.
Branching Decisions
The decisions you make influences the relationship Shawn has with the other characters you'll meet in the game. Having good relationships with your party members unlocks powerful combo-attacks in battle and may open up the opportunity to take your relationship to the next level ♥ Your decisions also influence the overall course of the story to conclude into one of the four possible endings.
Battle with the Elements
Engage in a round-based combat system with action inputs for some attacks that require you to make timed inputs for maximum damage! Each character also has unique elemental abilities to exploit enemy weaknesses. Incorporate this into your strategy to quickly win battles.
Explore the World of Alterna
Most side quests in NUMINA allow you to dive deeper into the backstory and lore of the world. But you can also explore the beautiful scenery with your grappli
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Any news or updates about this RPG?
Very funny game, beatyfull sprite!!!
This game is in the video about the Top 3 Best Indie Games of April 2022

I played your game for a good half hour and I want to give my opinion, the story the story seems fantastic and interesting, with a lot of mistery sensations, I love your maniacal cure for sprite and animation (apart some graphic glitch in start but it's easy to resolve) and I like that if you want to start new game you must first see settings, an usually disregard part. The only problem that I found now it's an unbalanced dose of dialogues, I wanted inivite you to balance gameplay and dialogue
I had the same error reported by @freank this morning. Testing on my chrome browser for Windows 10