Well, I'd primarly suggest to first complete the game and then to post it here; Posting an incomplete game is just harsh in my opinion. From a technical standpoint, I can say that the graphics and animations are OK, but the level design lacks interesting choices. (the labyrinth sections are just plain awful to go through and don't offer any prize for clearing them other than a few, ultimately useless and underwhelming coins.) The sound effects and music lack variety and quality.
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Well, I'd primarly suggest to first complete the game and then to post it here;
Posting an incomplete game is just harsh in my opinion.
From a technical standpoint, I can say that the graphics and animations are OK, but the level design lacks interesting choices.
(the labyrinth sections are just plain awful to go through and don't offer any prize for clearing them other than a few, ultimately useless and underwhelming coins.) The sound effects and music lack variety and quality.