Video Seven Mysteries Video

Seven Mysteries

518 Spieler - 15 Abonnenten Abonnenten
Herunterladen (187 MB)
A horror adventure 2D game about a group of students in a small mystery school.
Sprache: English
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Seven Mysteries
Seven Mysteries
Seven Mysteries
Seven Mysteries
Seven Mysteries
Seven Mysteries
Kommentare 9
Formatierungshilfe Formatierungshilfe 380
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TenTen92 (Stufe 10) 2019-04-16
Nice idea and great game. it's so rare to see good games made using rpgmaker. But this is one. 4/5! I wait to read news!
eleonora89 (Stufe 4) 2018-09-24
Best IndieGames (Stufe 18) 2018-02-10
This game is in the video about the Top 5 Best Indie Games of January 2018

YouTube Gameplay
Luis (Stufe 17) 2018-01-22
Wow. It's very good.
Fry2 (Stufe 12) 2018-01-11
Very good plot!
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