Spiele Snake 3D for Nokia 3310 Spielen Spielen </> Einbetten

Snake 3D for Nokia 3310

2168 Spieler -

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Snake3D.zip (18,3 MB)
PEGI Über 2000 Downloads
Snake 3D for Nokia 3310
Kommentare 8
Formatierungshilfe Formatierungshilfe 380
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SalOen (Stufe 11)

The idea is very nice. During the first plays it is a little bit confusing. But then you can enjoy it

franco999 (Stufe 15)

Near to 250 players!

Coopa (Stufe 12)

I played it on mobile! Very hard!!

indiexpo Addons (Stufe 14)

You can find this game also on our new extension/ #addon on your own Browser.
Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/free-games/gechcfjojodafcpggkekfkkfpjacenno
Opera: https://addons.opera.com/extensions/details/free-games-2/
Click and Play!

Aech (Stufe 6)

Hi, I noted that you add the indiepad, but I can't play it on my smart tv because I can use the arrows to select the stage and start to play. Can you fix it?

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