Video The Shard (Textadventure) Video

The Shard (Textadventure)

123 Spieler -


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the-shard-setup.exe (64,8 MB)
The Shard (Textadventure)
The Shard (Textadventure)
The Shard (Textadventure)
Kommentare 5
Formatierungshilfe Formatierungshilfe 380
Wird Geladen...
Wird Geladen...
Hellboy92 (Stufe 10)

Are you a competitor of 0R8? XD

GreenGolia (Stufe 9)

browser game? what?!

franco999 (Stufe 15)

Is it also English? the video is in German

Fellowplayer (Stufe 24)

I know it is a text adventure but I was hoping for a little more, there is no sound when I played it and after the first choice of what to do I could not do anything else, trying to scroll through the text thinking I need to select a different option didn't work and I got lost on what to do.

Fellowplayer (Stufe 24)

So it's not the big building in London :P

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