Spiele The Temple of Anubis

The Temple of Anubis

934 Spieler -
osx Herunterladen
The_Temple_of_Anubis_OSX.zip (15,5 MB)
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The_Temple_of_Anubis_Linux.zip (27,1 MB)
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The_Temple_of_Anubis_Win.zip (13,5 MB)



The ancient magic that lies over the Temple of anubis has been rediscovered by an egyptian explorer... but the magic is not really magic, it is technology.
2 magic spells,
3 levels,
wall jumping,
an annoying tut-orial,
aaaaaaaand, death, lots of it... (not really)
wasd: move,
space: jump,
scroll: change spell,
rightclick: cast spell

Sprache: English
The Temple of Anubis
The Temple of Anubis
The Temple of Anubis
Kommentare 1
Formatierungshilfe Formatierungshilfe 380
Wird Geladen...
Wird Geladen...
Cimpo (Stufe 6)

nice platform, but change the background ;)

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