==Mapping and Questing==The ‘Map’ tab is the central hub of this game – where you and your party will seek to save Mercer from the latest threat. – You and your party are represented by the Red Circle
Towns/Shelter (and quest locations) are in purple
Moveable land is in green (light green for plains, dark green for farmland)
You can move your party using the arrow buttons (CellsAZ2-BB6)
if you are ever stuck – refer back to the quest log for clues, or head to the nearest town to see if that will help!
== Battle Mode==Note – If at any stage the battle mode seems too hard. Start a new campaign with ‘Disable Battle’ mode switched to yes, this will disable all battles and allow for peaceful adventuring/questing.
Battles can leave your party outnumbered – anywhere between 1 to 5 enemies will spawn to fight your party – so be prepared at all times!
Battles use a simplified version of DnD mechanics, with four features important to understand:
- Initiative: The world of Mercer uses turn based battle mechanics. This means each creature takes it in turn to move and attack. The order of this is defined by an initiative dice roll, where the highest roll gets to go first. This order is set in the first round of combat and stays consistent throughout the battle
- Range and Movement: Battles take place on a wide battle arena, where distance is important. Each ceature has their own movement they can achieve each turn, as well as different ranges of attack. You can only attack a creature if you are within range.
Melee creatures for example can only attack when they are next to another creature, but ranged attacks can benefit from being at a distance Make sure to track the distance between your party and your enemy!
- Hitting an Enemy : Once you are in range of attacking the enemy, we now need to see if your attack hits or not.
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