Immerse yourself in the captivating world of anime with "Trivial Anime," the ultimate quiz game designed for true Otaku! Test your knowledge of both classic and modern anime, featuring iconic titles like Naruto, One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen, and many more. Dive into the colorful and animated universe as you strive to recognize characters, scenes, and moments to prove your status as the ultimate anime aficionado.
- Scoring System: Earn points by correctly identifying characters, scenes, or answering trivia questions related to a vast array of anime, including Naruto, One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen, and more. - Difficulty Levels: Progress through various difficulty levels, each featuring a mix of questions from different anime genres and eras. - Gem Redemption: Upon reaching the target score of 100 points, the game will reward you with 100 gems, which can be accessed through the in-game inventory for exciting customization and power-up options. - Time Limit: The quest must be completed within a specified time limit to qualify for the gem reward.
: 100 Gems
Successfully conquer the Otaku Mastery Challenge by reaching a total score of 100 points, and you'll be rewarded with 100 valuable gems.