Abstract Arena Abstract Arena Credici
Players: 807
Subscribers: 30

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Abstract_Arena_Greenlight_DEMO_2.exe (11.9 MB)
Pc white Download
Abstract_Arena_Greenlight_DEMO_2.exe (11.9 MB)

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Branir Rocos (Level 9) 2016-10-05
can I play it with a gamepad ?
Greg3232 (Level 6) 2016-10-04
curious to see the new features...
NovoG (Level 10) 2016-10-02
I saw several tips and suggestions... but no updates in this game... D:
LordDestro (Level 8) 2016-09-30
Nice style. Very easy and flat. It can be perfect also like a game for smartphone or in html5 online. But ... yes... I agree with the previous comments. You should add more features or a story mode... because after one/two games I left the game...
IronMusk2 (Level 7) 2016-09-29
Nice ! When an updates ?
Mente77 (Level 8) 2016-09-28
the design is nice, nice colors and nice ships... but you should improve the gameplay... different stages, missions, etc.
Step (Level 9) 2016-09-24
now it's too... "basic". But this can be a great game. I follow !
cema12 (Level 8) 2016-09-22
Nice! But a game only with the local game is boring... Add other ways to play it ;) because the style is very good!!
Cimpo (Level 6) 2016-09-18
nice ! But only for a fast game... there's not a story or a plot...
Castor (Level 7) 2016-09-15
in a first time you say :"cool! nice effects!"... after five minutes you say : "and now? what i can do?" :/
MyTrain (Level 8) 2016-09-14
Turn it in a race game like Redout but in 2D ! _ it can be amazing !!
Cantex76 (Level 7) 2016-09-08
nice game... but... the idea of transform it in a race game is not so bad... like a crash b. in 2D
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