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Amir (Level 14) 2024-07-18
you created a very good game! Nice idea and great design. i never played a game like this. the pixel art and animations are very good
galaga (Level 10) 2024-07-03
sadly in the end of the leaderboard. I have to improve my score
Coopa (Level 10) 2024-07-01
great idea and great design. Great colors and great puzzles! I was spending a lot of time playing it! Congratulation! I loved also the sounds. the chickens "voices" are perfect XD
fats (Level 13) 2024-06-07
I don't know how to solve the level 5
Best IndieGames (Level 18) 2024-06-07
This game is in the video about the Top 2 Best Indie Games – May 2024

YouTube Gameplay
Yahoo (Level 13) 2024-05-31
This game is 5/5! Perfect colours palette. Great puzzles. The level design is incredibly good (starting with easy levels to know how to play it and the harder). Perfect for mobile. Congratulations
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