Pikuniku Battle Pikuniku Battle Memolestas
Players: 3106
Subscribers: 6

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PikunikuBattle-1.0.7-PC.rar (26 MB)
Pc white Download
PikunikuBattle-1.0.7-PC.rar (26 MB)

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Fry2 (Level 12) 2018-03-11
Can you add the indiepad also in the main menu?
Luis (Level 17) 2018-01-23
opening the game, is not so easy to play it. I don't undestand how it works
Fellowplayer (Level 23) 2018-01-03
Dude is that like Bombjack?
Staff Verified (Level 16) 2018-01-02
In the first part of the game (in the menu area), you have to use the mouse to select how to play. Can you add also the keyboard to make this? Usually the players that use the indiepad, don't want to use also the mouse, but only their smartphones.
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