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Squash - One Player

2557 Players -


Construct 2

Squash is a ball sport played by one player in a three-walled court with a ball. The player striks the ball and hit the walls of the court. It supports the #score system and it's designed using a #retrogaming style. Send your score online. #exclusive

Squash - One Player
Squash - One Player
Squash - One Player
1. Jimmy87 The King
198 Points
2. Freank Verified
168 Points
3. 『 』
128 Points
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mariocassano (Level 20)

very good game!

lucyinthespace (Level 16)

I love it. So easy, so hypnotic

flameonFFOX (Level 4)

Cool idea

Freank Verified (Level 19)

Not so easy over the 18 points

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