Juega a Mysterious Expedition

Mysterious Expedition

392 Jugadores -


pc Descargar
MysteriousExpedition.exe (2 MB)
PEGI Over 250 downloads

Juego de Rol


In Mysterious Expedition you control three discoverers who need to find the entrance to a mysterious temple.
The battle is an action turn-based rpg style. #LDJAM

Lenguaje: Portugues
Mysterious Expedition
Comentarios 3
Ayuda de formato Ayuda de formato 380
CTGH (Nivel 11)

simple but good

RealTidus (Nivel 15)

Wow! No news about this game? Will you continue it? Are you doing other games like this?

Ura (Nivel 9)

can you add a gameplay about it ?

#RPG, #pixel, #VisualNovel
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