Publicado el 02/09/2016 Demo Juego de Rol GameMaker In Mysterious Expedition you control three discoverers who need to find the entrance to a mysterious temple.The battle is an action turn-based rpg style. #LDJAM Lenguaje: Portugues
CTGH (Nivel 11) 2019-03-11 simple but good Ayuda de formato Si escribes Obtienes *Cursiva* Cursiva **Negrita** Negrita #Hashtag #Hashtag @Perfil @Perfil - Elemento 1- Elemento 2- Elemento 3 - Elemento 1- Elemento 2- Elemento 3 || Destripe || Destripe 380 Cargando...
RealTidus (Nivel 15) 2017-06-15 Wow! No news about this game? Will you continue it? Are you doing other games like this? Ayuda de formato Si escribes Obtienes *Cursiva* Cursiva **Negrita** Negrita #Hashtag #Hashtag @Perfil @Perfil - Elemento 1- Elemento 2- Elemento 3 - Elemento 1- Elemento 2- Elemento 3 || Destripe || Destripe 380 Cargando...
Ura (Nivel 9) 2016-09-27 can you add a gameplay about it ? Ayuda de formato Si escribes Obtienes *Cursiva* Cursiva **Negrita** Negrita #Hashtag #Hashtag @Perfil @Perfil - Elemento 1- Elemento 2- Elemento 3 - Elemento 1- Elemento 2- Elemento 3 || Destripe || Destripe 380 Cargando...
simple but good
Wow! No news about this game? Will you continue it? Are you doing other games like this?
can you add a gameplay about it ?