Black Sect 2: The Cursed Crypt (PnC Remake)
Story:After stealing the magical book of spells in La Secte Noire, the Black Sect has returned to terrorize the population.
They are gathering in a nearby crypt, below the dark rooms of the castle of Golin the Gnome, and you have ventured into it.
Find your way to the crypt through the castle filled with passages blocked by gates, doors and chests to be opened, buttons to be
pressed, levers to be pulled, and secret rooms...
Can you annihilate this evil sect once and for all?
Specs:Developed by Brocanty Games
Released 2020
Operating system Windows, Linux
Engine: Adventure Game Studio v3.5.0.23
Interface two-button point and click interface
(Left-click: walk/interact, right-click: examine)
Resolution 320x200
Graphic modes 3
mode 1: Amstrad color with 11 palettes
mode 2: Amstrad grey with 1 palette
mode 3 : Amstrad green with 1 palette
Color support 4 colors
Number of players 1
Perspective 1st-person
Gameplay Graphic adventure, Puzzle elements
Genre Adventure
Narrative Detective / mystery
Length Full length game
Features:Two-button point and click interface (Left-click: walk/interact, right-click: examine)
Animated mouse cursors
Much, much more and better action responses
Move through game by arrow-keys, WSAD-keys or click the compass rose
Unlimited save slots
Altered puzzles to suit the point 'n click interface better and to add more logic to some puzzles
Player can't die
No dead-ends
Play in Amstrad color, grey or green modes (can switch mode in-game)
Has original amstrad soundfx and intro track
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