Video Coregrounds Video


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Linux osx android Ios Windows phone HTML5 بارگیری بارگیری
PEGI Over 250 downloads
منتشر شده در 2016/02/10



Coregrounds is a multiplayer tower defense game; being competitive at its core, it is captivating and rewarding not only to play, but also to watch. From epic fails to perfect plays, from minion rushes to slow pushes and from all-in tower attacks to sneaky backdoors Coregrounds delivers an exciting esport experience and yet radiates an indie charm.
زبان: English
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flykidsblue1 (مرحله 11) 2020-08-03
Cool game! Looks nice!
fats (مرحله 14) 2016-07-01
nice game ! The ux is amazing ! Good job !
Marius (مرحله 16) 2016-02-10
But is it online ? Or should i download it ? I don't love sign up in several website... can you upload it here ?
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