بازی کن Death to Polys

Death to Polys

302 بازیکن ها - 1 دنبال کننده ها دنبال کننده ها
An arcade game where you star as a deviant Scaffold, protecting the illegal junk trade from the ever encroaching police so you can get your fix. My first #LDJAM submission and first ever 3D game :D Hope you enjoy!
زبان: English
Death to Polys
Death to Polys
Death to Polys
Death to Polys
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Jonathan_Fish (مرحله 16) 2016-08-14
the music is very nice XD but i don't undestand how it works ! and... can i start with a small room ? The first level is a very big area !!! tum push tum tum push tum XD
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