بازی کن Epic Prose SE

Epic Prose SE

451 بازیکن ها -


pc بارگیری
EpicProseSEv9.0.zip (40 کیلوبایت)
PEGI Over 250 downloads
Published on: 2017/06/10



A remake of my Epic Prose game, this one includes many new features you can attack, dodge, use items, try to talk your way out or surrender. You can attack and kill NPCs and steal their stuff, but that will become more evil, trying to talk your way out of fights makes you more good, choose your path! Now with dungeons!
#epicprose #textgame #logicandchaos #rpg
زبان: English
Epic Prose SE
Epic Prose SE
Epic Prose SE
Epic Prose SE
Epic Prose SE
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Fellowplayer (مرحله 24) 2018-01-03
Text based? Are they popular?
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