بازی کن Kingdom of Pixels 2D MOBA بازی کنید بازی کنید </> تعبیه کردن

Kingdom of Pixels 2D MOBA

2942 بازیکن ها -


pc web Linux osx HTML5 بارگیری بارگیری
PEGI Over 2500 downloads
Kingdom of Pixels is a 2D multiplayer side-scrolling MOBA and platformer game. It is similar to the style of other MOBAs like League of Legends and DOTA 2. The game's theme is pixel-like, bringing a nostalgic and simplistic feel to it.
بیشتر ببینید
Kingdom of Pixels 2D MOBA
Kingdom of Pixels 2D MOBA
Kingdom of Pixels 2D MOBA
Kingdom of Pixels 2D MOBA
Kingdom of Pixels 2D MOBA
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RealTidus (مرحله 15) 2022-12-29
you are very close for 2000 players! Congratulations! Can you add more screenshots about the gameplay?
DiegoGramicciol تأیید شده (مرحله 19) 2022-06-16
Very funny game!
Decelo (مرحله 12) 2022-06-11
I am watching this game always in home Page recently. You are on fire! I will try it today!
Yahoo (مرحله 15) 2022-05-23
Still an alpha version. It needs a lot of new details and features. I want to follow it!
Gesan (مرحله 13) 2022-05-15
You should add more different characters. The game is fast to play and very good
بیشتر ببینید
Video Kingdom of Pixels 2D MOBA Video
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