بازی کن Rescuers بازی کنید بازی کنید </> تعبیه کردن


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pc web android Ios HTML5 بارگیری بارگیری
متناسب موبایل
PEGI Over 1000 downloads
Rescuers – this is a great arcade game! You can buy source code for web and mobile here - https://codecanyon.net/item/rescuers-html5-game-mobile-version-construct2-capx/21525713
#arcade #html5
زبان: English
نظر 2
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Sekayo (مرحله 12) 2018-07-13
Great assets! Is it a vector illustration, right? Add the score system!
mazzutakgame (مرحله 15) 2018-07-13
It's like Fire Rescue Game & Watch
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