Video Road To Rage Video

Road To Rage

218 بازیکن ها -
pc Linux osx بارگیری
Road_To_Rage_v.1.2.jar (20 مگابایت)
android بارگیری بارگیری
منتشر شده در 2019/06/07



Road To Rage is a simple top-down shooter that gets difficult in the latter stages. Pick up bullets to increase your fire rate. Collect R's to fill up your RAMPAGE meter. Once full, you will get a temporary fire rate boost and x5 score. How far can you get?
#arcade #shooter
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زبان: English
بیشتر ببینید
Road To Rage
Road To Rage
Road To Rage
Road To Rage
Road To Rage
Road To Rage
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galaga (مرحله 12) 2021-06-06
The last update was 2 years ago :(
TMD Studios (مرحله 6) 2020-07-18
For more games from TMD Studios, visit
TMD Studios (مرحله 6) 2020-03-31
Buddy Breakout, the third game from TMD Studios, is now available on Google Play. It is coming to indiexpo in the near future...
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