Pelaa Altar Pelaa </> Upottaa


256 Pelaajaa - 3 Tilaajaa Tilaajaa
Julkaistu: 01/02/2016



Push other players off of ledges, don't get pushed off yourself.
Kieli: English
Kommenttia 4
Muotoiluapu Muotoiluapu 380
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flykidsblue1 (Taso 10) 2020-08-03
Nice game!
Jonathan_Fish (Taso 16) 2016-08-15
are you continuing it ?
TakkenTag (Taso 4) 2016-04-05
The idea is nice... but you should improve it. Can you add an area when i can see how many players there are ? And a bar life. Then improve the background... it's boring... This can be a very nice game !
Marius (Taso 14) 2016-02-01
But... when i meet another sprite... is it real or bot ? Can i talk with him ?
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