Pelaa ARPG-"the map" mod Pelaa Pelaa </> Upottaa

ARPG-"the map" mod

461 Pelaajaa -


web HTML5 Lataa Lataa
PEGI Over 250 downloads
#tutorial The map (this module is not built on "basic elements", so it's simply to recycle), I've made it using a previous tutorial made by Feronato (
N.B. Inside the scripts there are the credits for the used graphic (
Kieli: English
ARPG-"the map" mod
ARPG-"the map" mod
ARPG-"the map" mod
Kommenttia 2
Muotoiluapu Muotoiluapu 380
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Luis (Taso 17) 2018-01-27
Thanks @kamaji You made a lot of useful plugin. Do you use also engines?
franco999 (Taso 14) 2017-07-09
Volevo ringraziarti per questi tutorial che hai realizzato! Mi stanno davvero aiutando nel realizzare il mio primo gioco per il web!
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