Unique board game where rules and possibilities of figures were tuned by artificial intelligence using special genetic algorithms. The game has simple rules, yet allowing an unimaginable number of combinations and strategies.
Various graphics options, difficulty levels and other settings are available. At any moment, the position can be randomly shuffled to obtain an original position on the board.
The goal of the game is to capture the opponent's king. There is a 7x7 area with 6 types of figures.
can move to all directions (including diagonally) by 1 field
Knight with oblique swords
can move by any number of fields, but only diagonally (like a chess bishop)
Knight with a cross can take any number of fields, but only orthogonally (= horizontally and vertically, like a chess rook)
Lower Lotus (Bronze)
can move up to 2 fields orthogonally, but can jump over other figures
Higher Lotus (Gold)
can move up to 3 fields orthogonally, with jumping over figures too
can go 1 field in all directions, but not back; can't take any other piece (he can just dodge)
Figures can eliminate each other.
A draw occurs if no figure is eliminated within 10 moves.
Näytä vähemmän
Looks good. I'll give it a shot.