Pelaa Biostate Pelaa Pelaa </> Upottaa


350 Pelaajaa -

Cosmic Blimp

pc Lataa (18,6 Mt)
PEGI Over 250 downloads
Kommenttia 3
Muotoiluapu Muotoiluapu 380
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Freank Vahvistettu (Taso 19)

Second place in the Leaderboard! So, my tips: yes. I agree with the previous comments, add sounds and music. Add also extra life, or other weapons dropped by the enimies. It can be very funny!

kalindor (Taso 14)

add sound effects

Popsan Angel (Taso 14)

nice. I like this retro style. But add also extra life, different weapons and a good sountrack in 8bit

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