Pelaa The Floor is Lava Pelaa Pelaa </> Upottaa

The Floor is Lava

297 Pelaajaa -
"Floor is Lava" is a huge #maze. You can play it also with another player using the #indiepad or WASD keys. It wants to be the first maze of #serie of minigames like this! Good luck!
Kieli: English
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The Floor is Lava
The Floor is Lava
Kommenttia 4
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Dragonfly (Taso 4) 2022-09-16
I like this game, simple but very funny!
DiegoGramicciol Vahvistettu (Taso 18) 2022-06-21
It's a funny game!
Squareware (Taso 4) 2019-05-12
Pretty simple but could be fun if you add some stuff like keys to open gates and switches to show bridges and tuff.
Angaro (Taso 4) 2017-09-17
Cool minigame!
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