Pelaa How many Taps in 30 Sec? Pelaa Pelaa </> Upottaa

How many Taps in 30 Sec?

69 Pelaajaa -
How many taps in 30/60/90 seconds? Show your skills! Playable on #mobile or also on #pc using the mouse. It supports the #score system to show who will be the best clicker!
Kieli: English
How many Taps in 30 Sec?
Kommenttia 2
Muotoiluapu Muotoiluapu 380
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o0JackTheRipper0o (Taso 10) 2021-11-28
Simple, but funny.
Fellowplayer (Taso 23) 2018-08-11
Simple but good for my leader board part :P
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