Pelaa Land of Ecodelia Pelaa Pelaa </> Upottaa

Land of Ecodelia

9976 Pelaajaa -
Land of Ecodelia
Land of Ecodelia
Land of Ecodelia
Land of Ecodelia
Land of Ecodelia
Land of Ecodelia
Kommenttia 19
Muotoiluapu Muotoiluapu 380
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Now Loading...
where_is_love (Taso 12)

This game can blow your mind

Gomesch (Taso 0)

How to download the game or the disk to play it on a real C64?

masanobu91 (Taso 9)

Really love the graphics and the loading screen!

jaco (Taso 10)

really cool graphics

kokko1G (Taso 1)

Step 1: LOAD "LAND OF ECODELIA",8,1 Step 2: RUN

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