Pelaa Outrun 3D Javascript Pelaa Pelaa </> Upottaa

Outrun 3D Javascript

2291 Pelaajaa -

An Outrun-style pseudo-3d #racing game in #HTML5 and #Javascript. Run and send your score online. Show to be the best driver of this old style arcade game! For the #retrogaming lovers and very competitive gamers! It support the #scoresystem, so play it logged. Thanks to @Ranine for the help with the js edits!

Näytä lisää
Outrun 3D Javascript
Outrun 3D Javascript
Outrun 3D Javascript
Kommenttia 6
Muotoiluapu Muotoiluapu 380
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hitman47_mn (Taso 4)

This game is cool, what engine have you used?

DCastillo (Taso 9)

Expectacular design. the graphics are very cool!!

Luis (Taso 18)

Why did you add the indiepad controller? To close the popup I can't start immediately!

Zion (Taso 13)

yeeees! FIRST!

Fellowplayer (Taso 24)

Looks like the old style arcade racing games.

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