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pc Lataa (21,4 Mt)
PEGI Over 500 downloads

Purgatory comes from the Late Latin verb meaning "to cleanse." It is a hellish realm where people's souls temporarily reside, to admit their sins and receive punishment. In Roman Catholic doctrine, souls atoned for past sins in purgatory before they were allowed to enter Heaven.
This game is made by @Nama using #WolfRPGEditor and released on December 13th, 2016. #horror

Kieli: English
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Marco Sacchetti (Taso 15)

è affascinante vedere come si può creare un'atmosfera tesa anche con pochi pixel! L'ho giocato perchè mi è stato consigliato da alcuni amici. un pò di difficoltà nella parte iniziale. ora sono un pò bloccato, ma ho visto che su youtube ci sono dei gameplay

DiegoGramicciol Vahvistettu (Taso 19)

Very funny game, i like it!

Best IndieGames (Taso 19)

This game is in the video about the Top 3 Best Indie Games of April 2022

YouTube Gameplay

Gesan (Taso 13)

It's not made using RpgMaker, but #WolfRPGEditor. It is a very famous (an old) horror game made in Japan. Very happy to see it also translated in English

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