Videot Quad Maze Lite Videot

Quad Maze Lite

448 Pelaajaa -


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Games/1010/Quad Maze Lite V3.0 Web
PEGI Over 250 downloads

Addictive and amazing, arcade style game to enjoy for everyone. Rush your way through each level, avoid obstacles and try out better ways to accomplish each level. Find the check points, defy gravity, jump and run like never before…

Kieli: English
Quad Maze Lite
Quad Maze Lite
Quad Maze Lite
Quad Maze Lite
Kommenttia 2
Muotoiluapu Muotoiluapu 380
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Jonathan_Fish (Taso 17)

great game !

Gatsu87 (Taso 15)

Very cool !!! Even if it's too fast !! But Great Job !!

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