Pelaa Quarrel Hill Pelaa Pelaa </> Upottaa

Quarrel Hill

211 Pelaajaa -

Push a few people off a cliff!
It is that time of year when people go to Quarrel Hill and exchange insults with an ogre. Many will perish, but the Great mocking tradition will be honored!
Click to push!
Hit pause to see a happy hill!
Made in 10 days for #StencylGameJam using #Stencyl
(Start screen, scoreboard and medals added after contest)

Kieli: English
Quarrel Hill
Quarrel Hill
Kommenttia 10
Muotoiluapu Muotoiluapu 380
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OverDawn-2K (Taso 5)

Not working

Alkatraz (Taso 9)

it doesn't work....

Eugor (Taso 17)

You know bro I think could make it in android n.n just saying haha good luck I loved it

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