Pelaa Retro Player Pelaa Pelaa </> Upottaa

Retro Player

268 Pelaajaa -

What's this? Why's everything in monochrome? Why is everything so blocky and pixelated?
It's time to pay a small homage to the ancient technology of yesteryear! Back to good ol'-fashioned 8-bit graphics and SFX! A submisison for Ludum Dare 36.
NOTE: This game can be played on mobile as well! More details can be found at the website! #LDJAM

Kieli: English
Retro Player
Retro Player
Retro Player
Kommenttia 4
Muotoiluapu Muotoiluapu 380
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ronnye (Taso 16)

are you continuing it?

gamefive Vahvistettu (Taso 18)

It's an experimental game. It was fun.

iamhere (Taso 14)

what'are the controlls ?! D: I can't play it... she doesn't move...

Ura (Taso 9)

can you add a gameplay about it ?

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