Pelaa Rubik Memory Pelaa </> Upottaa

Freank Vahvistettu

Mobile Friendly
Pegi16 Over 750 downloads
Julkaistu: 01/04/2023


Construct 2

Do you want to test your memory? Check out this game! It's perfect also if you are a #musicplayer! It is an #exclusive for indiexpo! With a online #leaderboard! Music & sounds by @MrVarren
Uutuudet Uutuudet 3
Uploaded the game with the new musics by @MrVarren! An amazing update!
Rubik Memory
Rubik Memory
Kommenttia 3
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swan1987 (Taso 1) 2023-06-06
mazzutakgame (Taso 15) 2023-04-02
E bravo Freank, una variante del Simon giocabilissimo dal cellulare, le animazioni minimali ed i toni vanno più che bene , poi la classifica dà un valore aggiunto per me 5/5
where_is_love (Taso 11) 2023-04-02
An easy game to play on phone. Animations very easy. Retro style. Well made 4/5
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