Pelaa Space Shooter Pelaa Pelaa </> Upottaa

Space Shooter

342 Pelaajaa -
Julkaistu: 01/06/2017

Shoot em Up


Unity tutorial game with few improvements and added features. It's the first game I ever made and is more meant to keep me interested in Unity than to be fun for others so it probably won't keep you occupied for more than few minutes - you have been warned :) All feedback is welcome however.
WASD for movement, X or left mouse to shoot
Kieli: English
Space Shooter
Kommenttia 3
Muotoiluapu Muotoiluapu 380
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Fellowplayer (Taso 23) 2018-01-04
Isn't this the standard asset shooter game?
Amir (Taso 14) 2017-06-02
I can't shoot using the indiepad...
Staff Vahvistettu (Taso 16) 2017-06-01
If it's a webgl game, upload a zip with the index.html. So the user can play it online! Improve also your description and add new screenshots ;)
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