Pelaa The Miracle Mountain Pelaa Pelaa </> Upottaa

The Miracle Mountain

580 Pelaajaa -


web HTML5 Lataa Lataa
PEGI Over 500 downloads
Slow sci-fi puzzle-adventure; Little Kuanysz travels to miraculous mountain Degenlen to find cure for his dying village.
Controls: arrow keys for movement, s for suicide.
5s trailer on vine:
Kieli: English
The Miracle Mountain
The Miracle Mountain
The Miracle Mountain
Kommenttia 2
Muotoiluapu Muotoiluapu 380
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unRoboto (Taso 9) 2016-05-22
it's too yellow @_@
Marius (Taso 14) 2016-04-23
nice idea... but... what's the goal ?
Videot The Miracle Mountain Videot
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