Pelaa Tiki Taka TD Pelaa Pelaa </> Upottaa

Tiki Taka TD

23717 Pelaajaa -

Tower defense by Theihe.
Menu music made by Eli Coutch, level music made by Souldrop.
The update list has been moved to this link because of symbol limit in the description:
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Kieli: English, Svenska
Tiki Taka TD
Tiki Taka TD
Tiki Taka TD
Tiki Taka TD
Kommenttia 33
Muotoiluapu Muotoiluapu 380
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Studio90 Vahvistettu (Taso 9)

Hey there, sorry for posting here, but If you like cool games, you should try out this one! Baby Goat Billy

ThePresident (Taso 10)

It was made 4 years ago but now everyone are playing it! Great!

Filippo (Taso 9)

wow very funny game

Coopa (Taso 12)

over 5000 players! Congratulations!

pooler22 (Taso 5)

nice style

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