Pelaa Zany Zoo Pelaa Pelaa </> Upottaa

Zany Zoo

62 Pelaajaa - 6 Tilaajaa Tilaajaa
Gravity Goat's entry for the Ludum Dare 46
Kieli: English
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Zany Zoo
Zany Zoo
Zany Zoo
Kommenttia 3
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cradth (Taso 14) 2020-06-26
The color palette is really nice, but the graphics on the characters' faces are a bit off.
iamhere (Taso 13) 2020-04-28
guys, I played a lot of games made by you, but this one. No. I'm sorry. Where is your artist? 3/5
wearevenom (Taso 12) 2020-04-23
Good interface. Easy to play. Nice!
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