Joue à Geomorpher


638 Joueurs -
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Windows phone Télécharger
Geomorpher(Windows).zip (72 Mo)

Geomorpher is a challenging reflexes game where you have to match your shape into the ones that are coming toward you.
More precise matches rewards more points!
Try to endure until level 10, then beat your own score!
You can select the initial difficulty on the slider in the main menu.
Developers best score: 1645 (starting on difficulty 5).">

Langage: English
Commentaires 5
Aide au formatage Aide au formatage 380
JEntertaiment (Niveau 12)

wow, good!

Jonathan_Fish (Niveau 17)

Nice game. I like the light effect used ! and the game design of the game ! Very good game !

Carir (Niveau 11)

good job !

Cynac (Niveau 9)

nice ! Fast and cool !

TheController (Niveau 10)

hahahah ! It's nice :D very cool the effects used ! Good job !

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